MOV。人工智能而且兰纳电子partner on integrated platform powered by NVIDIA Isaac ROS



MOV。人工智能而且兰纳电子今天宣布整合Lanner 's Edge AI计算设备MOV。AI的机器人引擎平台,以及NVIDIA以撒机器人平台。据move . ai称,该集成为自主移动机器人(AMR)制造商和自动化集成商提供了一个强大的平台,可以加速开发,提高运营效率,并优化机器人在动态工188bet金博宝官方网址业环境中的性能。


新的集成解决方案通过利用Lanner基于NVIDIA jetson的EAI-I130边缘AI计算设备和MOV解决了这些问题。人工智能’s Robotics Engine Platform that incorporates NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEMs, which are hardware-accelerated packages for perception, SLAM navigation, image processing and more, MOV.AI further explained. The joint offering provides robot developers with fully integrated high-performance hardware, hardware-optimized robotics SDKs and a visual IDE that wraps it together to speed up development. The solution speeds robot time to market and ensures high-performance robots.

针对AI功能、性能和易于部署进行了优化,Lanner的Edge AI设备支持NVIDIA ngc,具有NVIDIA GPU兼容性。这些设备与MOV集成在一起。人工智能’s Robotics Engine Platform that offers developers a visual development environment for faster development and deployment. Developers can drag and drop the NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEMs directly in the MOV.AI development tools to quickly build high-performance robots.

“我们在创建nvidia优化边缘计算服务器方面的专业知识,结合MOV。人工智能’s state-of-the-art AMR software powered by NVIDIA edge AI and robotics technologies, provides an off-the-shelf platform to build enterprise-grade autonomous robots for today’s challenging industrial environments,” said Jeans Tseng, CTO of Lanner Electronics. “We are confident that our AMR platform will enable service providers and manufacturers to quickly deploy the top-performing AMR solution to the industrial IoT applications.”

根据Motti Kushnir, MOV。人工智能’s CEO, “This is exciting on several levels. First and foremost the integration allows fast time to market for a superior product that meets the needs of today’s warehouse automation challenges. Logistics is a $9 trillion industry, and automation is playing an important role in its optimization. We are excited to integrate with NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEMs as part of our strategy to improve operational efficiency and accelerate deployment of AMRs in warehouses and industrial manufacturing environments. Second, from MOV.AI’s perspective, this is a huge achievement. NVIDIA, with its Isaac platform, is a major force in the robotics industry, continuously driving it forward. Together with Lanner, we are honored to partner to provide the robotics community with the tools they need to create robots that deliver value quickly and continuously.”


MOV。人工智能而且兰纳电子partner on integrated platform powered by NVIDIA Isaac ROS



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